School girl/Zombie Hunter – PlayStation 4
Set in the Onechanbara universe and taking place at the prestigious “Kirisaku High School” (known for its balanced curriculum of sports and academics), this is a story of survival: five students cut off from the outside world and surrounded by a seemingly endless flood of ravening zombie hordes. Working together and on their own, each
Set in the Onechanbara universe and taking place at the prestigious “Kirisaku High School” (known for its balanced curriculum of sports and academics), this is a story of survival: five students cut off from the outside world and surrounded by a seemingly endless flood of ravening zombie hordes. Working together and on their own, each of the five characters has their own trials, tribulations, and triumphs as they all strive for common goals: find the source of the undead infestation, annihilate them with overpowering weaponry and fashionable undergarments, and put an end to this crisis.
Product Features
- Crush the Dead: Choose one of five heroines and deal out devastating levels of carnage to waves of zombies using a vast array of weapons, explosives, traps, and frilly underwear!
- Tactical Fashion: Use various bits of clothing to lure, confuse, and destroy your enemies.
- Squad Up With Friends: School Girl/Zombie Hunter’s online multiplayer modes allow for up to FIVE people to join together to take on the zombie hoards.
- A Horde of single player content: in addition to a story mode, there are a plethora of different missions available to test your skills, nerves, and attachment to your clothes!